WGA Strike Open Letter

June 14, 2023

This is a letter I sent to the CEOs of most of the major streaming services about the writers’ strike. But I’m posting it here too.

To Andy Jassy, Robert Iger, Reed Hastings, and David Zaslav:

Great writing is the key to any show or movie being watchable. Without compelling characters, an engaging plot, and clever and moving dialogue nothing else matters. You can have high production values, a stellar director, and a top-tier cast, but all that buys you is jack and squat if you have a crappy script. Writing is fun. Writing is a dream job for many. But it is still a job. And it is a job that deserves decent compensation. Writers deserve to be seen as more than tax write-offs (looking at you, David).

You, as the CEOs of your respective companies, already make more money than anyone could possibly ever need. The people who are out there doing the work that makes that money for you deserve a better share of those profits. Add the fact that much of the film and television industry is based in places like LA and New York City, which have the highest costs of living in the country, and I don't think that the WGA is asking for a whole lot. CEOs should not be the only ones able to afford to live in these cities. This has gone on long enough.

Okay, I've said my piece. Now, for the boilerplate bit:

Without writers, there are no shows. WGA members deserve fair compensation for their creative output. I urge you to agree to the WGA’s reasonable demands for fair compensation and residuals, pension and health fund contributions, and professional standards.


Kyle Decker


Here’s a link if you want to send one too:
